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bit of this
(From someone who isn't me)
Thomas is a gun.
A high powered one, that gets shit done, fast, but with class.
He's reliable, never loses his shit and takes changes on the chin.
His head is full of design, cool tech, social ideas, film, music and art.
So he's worldly and clever.
He makes people laugh and he makes an agency more fun.
And if they're not enough reasons to hire him,
He's also got a great beard.
Emma Robbins | ECD M&C Saatchi Melbourne
bit of that
Bachelor of Business (Advertising) @ RMIT Melbourne CBD
Award School (2018)
Qualified Diploma & Advanced Diploma in Graphic Art
Diploma Packaging design
current work
Creative Director | Rollie Nation
past work
Creative Director | HungryHungry
Creative Director | Solbari
Art Director | M&C Saatchi Melbourne
Art Director | The Shannon Company
Brand Designer | 38 Degrees
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